What does Darwin's Theory of Evolution tells us about the Alien Civilizations?

Aliens, Hearing this word brings excitement and curiosity in our mind and lot of questions arise in our mind like what will they look like?, what will be their skin color?, will they look like us and do they exist among us? The modern world is looking for answers to all these questions and our modern science can help us find answer of all these questions.

From cute Baby Yoda of Star Wars to Fearsome Xenomorphs of Aliens, movies have given us a wide range of ideas of how aliens might look. But when it comes to the reality we can't rely on movies. So the question is what does aliens look like? Well Darwin's theory of evolution of species might have a satisfactory answer to this question.
Charles Robert Darwin was an English naturalist, geologist and biologist, best known for his contributions to the science of evolution. His proposition that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestors is now widely accepted, and considered a foundational concept in science of evolution of species.

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His theory of evolution explains us how life on this planet evolved from single living cells to complex multicellular living structures like plants and animals. But we are not here to study evolution. So the question is how his theory of evolution explains how alien life will possibly look like on other life sustaining planets of the galaxy and universe. A research from the University of Oxford might have the answer to it.
A new study published in the International Journal of Astrobiology scientists from the University of Oxford show for the first time how evolutionary theory can be used to support alien predictions and better understand their behavior. They show that aliens are potentially shaped by the same processes and mechanisms that shaped humans, such as natural selection.
The theory supports the argument that foreign life forms undergo natural selection, and are like us, evolving to be fitter and stronger over time.

Sam Levin, a researcher in Oxford’s Department of Zoology, said: ‘A fundamental task for Astrobiologists (those who study life in the cosmos) is thinking about what extra-terrestrial life might be like. But making predictions about aliens is hard. We only have one example of life - life on Earth -- to extrapolate from. Past approaches in the field of Astrobiology have been largely mechanistic, taking what we see on Earth, and what we know about chemistry, geology, and physics to make predictions about aliens.
All this indicates that if we are the result of natural selection then the extraterrestrials must be similar to us. If not, there is a chance that artificial changes are made so that we can evolve into what we are today.


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